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Hamiltonhill Overview

The Hamiltonhill Development is the Association’s contribution to the Glasgow Canal Regeneration Partnership, which is a partnership between Glasgow City Council, Scottish Canals and other local agencies to deliver the Canal Action Plan, a new vision of the north west of Glasgow.  

Hamiltonhill is one of a number of neighbourhoods along the canal corridor which have been identified for new housing, from Sighthill, through Dundashill, Cowlairs and Ruchill Hospital up to Maryhill Locks. 

View of Existing Hamilton from Ellesmere Street

The Hamiltonhill Development will see around 650 new homes built, providing a mix of low-rise flats and terraced housing, with over 330 for sale and 320 for social rent spread through the neighbourhood.

These new homes range in size from one-bedroom flats to larger family houses with up to four bedrooms.  Three new local parks have also been created, bringing attractive open, green spaces and play parks to the area. 


At this time, there are no plans to provide other tenures, such as Shared Equity or Mid-Market Rent but we do hope to eventually replace the existing shops with a couple of new retail units and a potential community room.

Image from Hamiltonhill Full Masterplan Drawing

The regeneration of the area will be delivered over a 10 year period. Updates on progress can be found here, and details of future works found here.

Before house building could commence, the Association created a drainage link to the canal and grouted all the old mine-workings which exist below the new housing sites. Details of works completed can be found here.

The housing will be provided in 4 separate phases, each of which will take at least 3 years to complete.  Phase 1 started in Autumn 2022 [See here for more details]. These properties are due to be completed through 2025 into early 2026. Planning for phase 2 is now ongoing, with a site start expected in the summer of 2026.

New parks and open spaces have also been created as part of the development, these works are now complete.  [See here for more details]

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Hamiltonhill Masterplan