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New Developments

Queens Cross is a popular and desirable area to live and work. And here are some of the latest home and neighbourhood developments in the pipeline. 

Please note that the homes on these pages aren't available for rent until they’re completed. But you can visit our Homes for Rent page to find out how to apply for properties currently available.


Plans are in place to build 600 new homes in Hamiltonhill

The Association is now well on track to deliver its masterplan for 650 homes to be built at Hamiltonhill, helping to revive an old community.

Leading Scottish construction firm Robertson Construction Group will deliver the masterplan proposals, through its regeneration company Urban Union.  The first 178 social housing units are now nearing completion in Phase 1, where Urban Union will also be delivering a further 31 homes for sale.

The overall area will see a mix of medium-rise flats and cottage flats for smaller households and older people, with terraced housing for larger families.

New and improved parks and open spaces have already been completed throughout the neighbourhood including an enhanced play park and a new community park.

The regeneration proposed for Hamiltonhill is a large-scale and complex project, with significant challenges and opportunities.  The Association is grateful for the support of Glasgow City Council for various grant funds provided to both the new housing and the public spaces. Without the support of GCC and also NatureScot for the parks, the Association would not be able to deliver the shared vision for the future of Hamiltonhill as an environmentally friendly and sustainable community. Read more about the development here

Burnbank Gardens

Burnbank Gardens

25 Burnbank Gardens is Queens Cross Housing Association’s latest new build development project.

The Association will be providing 48 flats for social rent, designed to meet the needs of elderly people.

The project, in partnership with Glasgow West Housing Association, will consist of two closes of flats with 24 flats in each. When the new building is completed, the close nearest to Burnbank Terrace will be owned and let by Queens Cross Housing Association and the close nearest to Napiershall Street will be owned and let by Glasgow West Housing Association. Read more about the development here.

Woodside Making Places

Woodside Making Places

Work has started on the Association’s £3 million environmental improvement project to transform the public spaces around the Cedar high-rise flats at St George’s Cross in Glasgow.

 The Woodside Making Places project is being delivered by the Association and supported by additional funding from the Scottish Government through Sustrans Scotland’s Places for Everyone programme.

The vision for the project is to improve the streets, green spaces, play parks and courtyards of the area. This will create an attractive, multi-functional green infrastructure network with integrated cycle routes, biodiverse habitats, sustainable rainwater drainage, vibrant doorstep play and allotment areas.

Work will focus on improved pedestrian crossings and construction of new raingardens to use run off water to maintain attractive wildlife-friendly spaces. New paving will be installed, new trees planted, streetlighting improved, along with streetscaping, street furniture and new cycle stores.

Phase 1 of the project will focus on the area to the west of St George’s Road. Phase 2 plans for the area around east Woodside are currently still being finalised.

Construction of Phase 1 by Mackenzie Construction is likely to be completed by late 2024.

You can see the new designs and leave feedback at