Our Tenant Participation Strategy 2022-25
Tenant participation is vital to us and our tenants. We're currently developing our Tenant Participation Strategy for 2022-25 and we need your help.
Through our Tenant Participation Strategy, we want to make sure that tenants really:
- know the different ways they can become involved
- can take part and influence decisions if they want to
- have the support and resources they need to take part
- can help to develop quality services.
Tenants helped develop these outcomes and a recent survey confirmed that they want us to continue to aim for these results, with increased transparency and accountability to tenants, and greater tenant influence.
This Strategy has been developed taking account of feedback from our Residents Task Force, our Community Involvement Groups, tenants and staff. Please give us your views on our draft Tenant Participation Strategy 2022–2025 by Friday 17 December.
You can read our draft strategy here, and give us your thoughts by emailing kmclean@qcha.org.uk or calling us on 0808 143 2002.
Your views will make a difference.