Handyperson Service
The Handyperson Service is here to keep neighbourhoods pleasant, safe, clean and well maintained. The team carry out regular inspections and routine estate maintenance in each area.
Their work includes:
- Graffiti removal
- Clearing excess rubbish from bin stores
- Maintaining common area lighting
- Inspecting and keeping play areas clean
- Helping tenants move items for bulk uplift
Anyone who has met the team knows that they will do their best to help where they can.
They also provide a minor repairs and maintenance service called the Home Team, for people who use our Queens Cross Wellbeing service.
To ask for help from the Handyperson Service or to report an issue with estate maintenance, call us on 0808 143 2002 or email contactus@qcha.org.uk
You can also get in touch by using the Queens Cross App
For out more information about the Handyperson Team here.